Category: Family

A thankful moment

As my foot crossed the threshold into my kitchen from the garage this evening, my youngest boy “chose” that moment to vomit (as in, projectile vomit) all over himself, my arm and our kitchen floor.

My mind immediately went to a state of thankfulness. Not because of my views on vomit (see my earlier post here), but because of the timing of this particular incident.

I was so thankful he decided to let loose inside our home, on the linoleum floor, and not on our already spotted and worn carpet.

I was so thankful he had kept his contents inside his stomach on the drive home from the birthday party we had just enjoyed, and that those contents stayed put during the 2 hours spent at the gymnastics center at which the birthday party was being held.

I was so thankful D was still buckled into his car seat and not right in front of L as we came through the door.

I was so thankful it was the end of the weekend rather than the beginning of the weekend as this was undoubtedly the busiest weekend for our family this month.

I was so thankful, once again, that Hubs was home and readily available to come to my aid when he heard my groan of “UGH!” come out of my mouth. I chuckled when he later told me that he thought I had spilled a drink when we came through the door.

I was so thankful I still had 20 minutes before we were expecting the babysitter so I didn’t have to tell her at the door that she wasn’t needed that night after all.

All of that ran through my mind the first 5 seconds after the spew.

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Happy Birthday, Hubs!


To the man who chose to wrestle with his boys on a very early Sunday morning instead of taking the chance to sleep in on his special day, I love you.


To the man who has given his sons big shoes to fill but will be an encouragement to them all along the way, I love you.


To the man who leads his family with integrity and pride, I love you.


To the man who picked me to be his bride and chooses to love me every single day in the best way you know how ~

H A P P Y  B I R T H D A Y

Wordless Wednesday


Happy Birthday, Little Brother


I remember…


sharing a bedroom and listening to you snore while I tried to fall asleep


your teddy bear ~ I wonder where he’s gone to…


building forts in the living room, in the bedroom, anywhere that we could find


sleeping in the living room by the woodstove on Christmas Eve, excited to see what Santa would bring us in the morning


you driving me crazy with that big grin on your face during our epic-long car rides to Southern California…with no air conditioning

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Many are the plans in a man’s heart,
but it is the LORD’s purpose that prevails.

Proverbs 19:21

I haven’t had to deal too much with insurance in the past. Yes, I’ve had 2 children, but overall it was a relatively simple process with some minor headaches. Anytime I would hear someone complain about what a pain insurance was, I just couldn’t empathize too much because that had not been my own experience.

Until now.

When we saw a specialist in May regarding D’s sensory processing issues, it was all completely out of pocket. It was a hefty sum, but we’re thankful God provided the funds.

At the end of May I met with the local school district special needs team. Together we all decided it would be best to have D assessed for areas that the school district might be able to offer services to him while in the classroom. (Read: FREE THERAPY).

D’s assessment is August 18th, but during our meeting in May, I was encouraged to get a second opinion, especially since we were considering therapy over the summer that would be more out-of-pocket money spent, not therapy covered through insurance. Both Hubs and I thought that was a wise move, so I made the appropriate calls and we waited.

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