Category: Cooking

This has by far been the worst summer for me when it comes to feeding my family healthy food. We are traveling a lot – fast food galore. I battle fatigue and hot flashes every evening – slaving over a hot stove? Hah!

I’m sure a warm evening in general is tough for most moms, which is why I feel compelled to spread the love of an easy meal. My family and I enjoy breakfast for dinner every Wednesday. While breakfast hasn’t gotten “old”, waffles have. At least, they have for me. And since I’m the cook, that means I get to change things up a bit.

Enter in: French toast

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A little more than a week ago I was wearing my cute lime green jacket with a hood as I jetted around town doing my errands. It was pouring rain and quite cool for it being the month of June.

Since Wednesday of last week it has officially become Summer around here with much warmer temps, and unfortunately even less desire for me to be in the kitchen cooking anything.

With the warmer weather outside has been an increase in my “internal” temps as well – the hot flashes are back. Bugh.

So what’s a busy mom to do? Make pizza, of course!

There is almost nothing easier than making your own pizza. Granted, it’s not the healthiest dish out there, especially if you use a store-bought crust, but it’s cheaper than eating out and almost anything is healthier than eating out. So, deal. Continue reading

It happens with every transition into a new season.

I forget how to cook.

Or so it seems, anyways.

I look at a blank calendar for a new month, all fresh and clean, ready to be filled out with yummy meals for my family and all I can think about is spaghetti, soup, tacos and lasagna.


It’s been even worse as summer weather seems to be here and then *poof* it’s back to winter-like weather. Of course the night I have chili planned because it was cold 2 days ago doesn’t really sit well on a night that is 75 degrees and screams BBQ weather!

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Spring flavors

One of my favorite blogs to visit is Your Homebased Mom, mostly because of the wonderful recipes Leigh Ann offers. There are also great craft ideas, like these super cute Easter baskets.

As part of our Easter dinner plans, I decided to try out the Spinach Strawberry Salad Leigh Anne wrote about here. I truly wished I had taken a picture of this salad because it was so pretty, especially since I had used my great-grandmother’s glass bowl to serve it in. I believe all of the adults at the table on Easter Sunday will agree with me that it was VERY yummy! I loved it for the light, yummy flavor and for how easy it was to make. And just a note, I did not add the red onion as I don’t care for raw onions, but regardless, this salad will be on our dinner table throughout the summer!

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celtic shamrockI couldn’t possibly post a recipe handed down from my mother-in-law without also posting a recipe from my own mother, one of the best cooks on the face of this planet! Growing up, there were several family traditions that centered around food and St. Patrick’s Day was definitely one of them. There would always be a heaping plate of corned beef, cabbage, a few other veggies and Irish soda bread. I’m not sure when Mom started this tradition, but I’ve enjoyed it ever since!

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